Thursday, 13 March 2014

British press sing Messi

Braised British newspapers today's dazzling performance presented by the Argentine star Lionel Messi Barcelona against Manchester City, England yesterday .

And the Catalans play the second leg in the first knockout round of the Champions League on Wednesday evening at the Camp Nou in front of the City .

And was able to resolve Alpluzrana game in their favor with two goals against the goal , to renew Barça victory over City after winning back two goals without reply .

And said the Spanish newspaper El Mundo Deportivo Catalan that Messi made ​​the cover of British newspapers today.

And listed several newspaper headlines journalist from Britain as follows :

The Guardian : Barca tormented City , the Catalans knew how to behave in the game and spread well on the pitch , Messi, Aguero hides in the Camp Nou .

The Times: Barcelona to talk about ending the crisis at the club crosswise in front of a good City .

Telegraph : fighting against Barcelona for the City was like catch fire , and a great panic and mistakes committed to stop the dangerous Barca .

The Times again : not a penalty calculated on the pique against Dzeko , and the referee is unfair , but the best and won .

The Independent: high performance of the team in a magical night filled with differences

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